Abstract:To screen for the optimal meat sheep crossbreeding combinations suitable for the Wuwei,the binary and ternary crossbreeding experiments were carried out with Australian white sheep,Suffolk sheep and Dorper sheep as male parent and Hu sheep as female parent.The results show that:(1)The birth weight of F1 generation from Australian white×Hu sheep,Dolper×Hu sheep,Suffolk×Hu sheep,Australian white×Dolper×Hu sheep and Suffolk×Dolper×Hu sheep group was significantly higher than that of Hu sheep group(P<0.05),the body weight of F1 generation at 1 month and 3 month of age were significantly higher than those of Hu sheep group (P<0.01),and the body weight of F3 generation at 6 months old from Australian white×Hu sheep,Dolper×Hu sheep,Australian white×Dolper×Hu sheep,Suffolk×Dolper×Hu sheep was significantly higher compared with Hu sheep group (P<0.01).The Suffolk×Hu sheep group was significantly higher than Hu sheep group(P<0.05).(2)The pre-slaughter weight,carcass weight and net meat weight of F1 offspring from Australian white×Hu sheep,Dolper×Hu sheep,Australian white×Dolper×Hu sheep and Suffolk×Dolper×Hu sheep were significantly higher than those of the Hu sheep group(P<0.01).The pre-slaughter weight,carcass weight,and net meat weight of Suffolk×Hu sheep were significantly higher than those of the Hu sheep group(P<0.05).The slaughter rate of all five crossbreeding combinations was significantly higher than that of the Hu sheep group(P<0.05),and the net meat ratio,meat-to-bone ratio,and eye muscle area were significantly higher(P<0.01).(3)The marbling of F1 offspring from Australian white×Hu sheep,Australian white×Dolper×Hu sheep and Suffolk×Dolper×Hu sheep were significantly higher than those of the Hu sheep group(P<0.05).The drip loss of Australian white×Dolper×Hu sheep and Suffolk×Dolper×Hu sheep was significantly lower than that of the other groups(P<0.05),and the cooked meat yield was significantly higher than that of the other groups(P<0.05).The results of crossbreeding experiments with Australian white ram,Duper ram,Suffolk ram and Hu sheep are obvious,and can be vigorously promoted in regions with similar ecological conditions.